
Our goal is to make sure our pediatric patients have the visual skills they need to develop properly and to succeed.

Pediatric Eye Exam

Did you know that the American Optometric Association states that a child’s first eye examination should occur between the ages of 6-12 months?  At Midwestern University, we strongly agree with this stance. 

How We Can Help

It has been estimated that 80% of learning in the classroom is done through our eyes.  Our pediatric eye doctors and students are trained in evaluating the visual systems in children of all ages, including children with special needs and developmental delays (such as autism and Down Syndrome).

All of our pediatric eye doctors are members of InfantSee, a public health program through Optometry Cares®, that provides comprehensive eye exams to infants between 6 and 12 months of age free of charge.

What to Expect

We have ways to adapt our eye exams based on your child’s ability to ensure it’s a fun experience for everyone!  Some of these adaptations include using shapes and matching games instead of letters.  We can assess how well your child’s eyes work together as a team, track along a line while reading, and their ability to keep their vision clear at near for their long days at school.

We strongly recommend a dilated eye examination for all children regardless of age, especially if this is their first eye examination. This allows us to not only make sure your child’s eyes are healthy, but also assists us in finding the best prescription if glasses are indicated.  Your child’s eyes will appear dilated for anywhere from a few hours to an entire day depending on the drops used.  This effect is normal and will not cause any harm to the eye.

In addition, we may recommend a full battery of tests not offered at most eye doctors practices to evaluate their ability to use their eyes efficiently in everyday life.  This  type of examination is highly recommended for children who are struggling in school to help identify if their vision is contributing to their difficulties at school.  

Learn more about Vision Therapy

If you are a school nurse or educator, please contact our coordinator Ms. Tracy Bland at 623-806-7246 for information on our school vision screening services!  A team of our doctors and students are available to screen your students for vision issues, in accordance with Arizona’s new law.

Contact and Additional Information

If you have questions or wish to set up a pediatric eye exam, please contact our Eye Institute.