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  • Patient Care


  1. Gwen Wodiuk headshot

    Gwen Wodiuk, D.N.P.

    • D.N.P.
    Clinical Assistant Professor
  2. Eric Woo, O.D.

    Eric Woo, O.D., FAAO

    • O.D.
    Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
  3. Parres Wright, O.D. portrait

    Parres Wright, O.D., FAAO

    Assistant Professor
    Downers Grove Clinic
    • Low Vision Rehabilitation
    • Ocular Disease


  1. Florencia Yeh, O.D. portrait

    Florencia J. Yeh, O.D., FAAO, FSLS

    • O.D.
    Associate Professor
    Glendale Clinic
    • Cornea and Contact Lens
  2. Hye Seon Yoo headshot

    Hye Seon Yoo, O.D.

    • O.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Downers Grove Clinic
    • Ocular Disease